it's ok to be different

Guess where am I now? Where can I be if not in office then it would be client’s office. Why am I so free blogging at this hour? Actually is my lunch time, just finished my packed rice then thinking what should I do now. Nothing better than writing a new blog, and I am into blogging again. Don’t know why, feeling so good when you can express yourselves through words.

I just watched ‘all about steve’ two nights ago. I wasn’t free but I ran out of drama and I need some voice when I was doing my work. So, from a whole box of DVSs that my brother passed to me, I chose this one to watch. Before this I never know that Sandra Bullock can be so 38 but the guy, Steve is so cute. (I forgotten his name, XXX Church) why is it so hard to find a guy with nice body here? Actually my point here is it’s ok to be different, in the movie, Sandra as Mary is a cross word conductor, she is like an encyclopedia she can tell you the history and things behind very simple thing. Not much people like her because she talks too much (quite similar like me, just that I talked crap.) and her red boots but she is happy with her life. It’s ok to be single, as long as I am happy with my life, no one can give any comment on it. If you wanted to, then live your life before you comment mine.

Hmm… enough with the daydreaming, it’s time to get back to work. XOXO…


BbJean~Yeng said...

d title of d movie sounds familiar. but i don't really rmbr what it's about. pass it to me!! hehe!

ivy_cfk said...

ok... come find me.. we can watch it again during our sleepover plan

Ivise said...

hehehhe.. I watched it 3 times d lu. But yeah, the gal is rather similar to u. but in the end, she didn't get the cute guy. not dat a cute guy matter anyway. but the point is, u should always be happy being urself yet don't outcast urself from life o~

ps: ur writting improved a lot! next time should post a lunch-ly blog. hehehe.

ivy_cfk said...

lunch-ly blog sounds not bad. but not sure if i have time n things to blog so much. hehe... anyway, will try my best to keep my blog updated (after i abandoned it for so long

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